Reviews are estimated to make up to 10% of the ranking factors in Google. Moz’s Local Search Ranking Factors demonstrate that organic local search gives a 6.47% weight to customer reviews, and this rises to 15% for local pack/finder ranking factors. if any body want to get their google business page in the first page of search result google reviews can help them to achieve their goal. if you are in United Kingdom you must try to buy google reviews uk.
Local pack and local finder are local search page displays that show the pins in maps of local businesses. Local 3-pack means that no more than three results will be displayed, but local finder will display more. Given that customer reviews account for 15% of factors making up your visibility in local pack/finder ranking, the importance of acquiring good google reviews among local businesses should be high on any SME’s agenda.
Local Pack/Finder Ranking Factors
- Google My Business Signals (Proximity. categories. keyword in business title. etc.) 25.12%
- Link Signals (Inbound anchor text. linking domain authority. linking domain quantity. etc.) 16.53%
- Review Signals (Review quantity. review velocity. review diversity. etc) 15.44%
- On Page Signals (Presence of NAP. keywords in titles. domain authority. etc.) 13.82%
- Citation Signals (IYP/aggregator NAP consistency. citation volume. etc.) 10.82%
Localized Organic Ranking Factors
- Link Signals (Inbound anchor text. linking domain authority. linking domain quantity. etc.) 27.94%
- On Page Signals (Presence of NAP. keywords in titles. domain authority. etc.) 26.03%
- Behavioral Signals (Click-through rate, mobile clicks to call, check-ins. etc-) 11.5%
- Google My Business Signals (Proximity, categories. keyword in business title. etc.) 8.85%
- Citation Signals (IYP/aggregator NAP consistency. citation volume. etc.) 8.41%
- Review Signals (Review quantity. review velocity. review diversity. etc) 6.47%
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